Camp NaNoEDMo: Weenie Edition!

Image credit: Hermann Vogel

Gosh, I’m so sorry I’ve just disappeared for the last few weeks. I think I’ve just completely lost my brain somewhere along the way at this point. I don’t even know how I’m functioning anymore. I also have completely forgotten for the last four days that April is a Camp NaNoWriMo session. So, yikes! Here we are.

I decided a few weeks ago that I did in fact hate myself and wanted to throw more fuel on the fire by committing to another month of NaNo in the middle of a semester. But I also deferred to sanity somehow by deciding that I would do a much lighter NaNo than I usually attempt. Here’s the plan.

April 1-7 Read meticulously through the first draft of Sweets—my Hansel and Gretel retelling—and take notes on what work needs doing. (Hopefully not a ton. I picked this project because I think it’s already somewhat decent.)

April 8-30 A half hour of focused editing daily. That’s it. No page requirements, no word counts, just a manageable pocket of time each day. And as a little concession to class nights, deadlines, and inevitable hand injuries, if I miss a day, I am allowed to make it up at another time.

There you have it. Nothing too impressive, I admit, but I think this is about the edge of possibility. Between my classes ending in the first few days of May, the dead sprint to the school year, and gearing up for big summer plans, if I tried to go any harder, something would get terribly botched and I’m not mentally equipped to botch anything right now, haha. I really appreciate you all bearing with me. I’ve got about one more year to go before I’m certified to teach, and then another semester to complete my master’s degree. It’s exciting now that I’m starting to get closer!

So I guess I should probably get cracking on that reading now that the week is half over. Well, let’s be honest, I’m going to do my homework, get some sleep, and try to get cracking on that reading tomorrow after work. But there’s a plan in place! And I am now aware of what month it is.

It’s gonna be great, I can feel it.

How about you folks? Anyone out there attempting Camp NaNo (especially if you probably shouldn’t be?) Let me know in the comments below! And until next week, when I’ll get to tell you how badly I did at keeping to the schedule, happy writing!

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